Best option: GERBER PS 274(X), EXCELLON
Possible options:
The cost of an order consists of 2 parts:
The cost of the order is influenced by:
Cost of tracing by agreement
Preparation of production is included in the invoice at the initial order
Standard term: till 15 working days (by agreement - from 3 days)
DPD, DHL, TNT, FedEx or self-delivery
Some of our advantages
Our team has been in the business for more then 25 years.
Due to our location, we fulfil our customers' orders quickly and are not dependent on other countries!
Almico produces low cost, high quality printed circuit boards with high production efficiency and lower labour costs.
Our simple ordering system, professional and efficient customer service, digital production technology, fully automatic production lines guarantee that we will deliver PCBs to you faster.
Our products
High quality printed circuit boards at reasonable prices.